Minnesota Zoo Secures $6 Million To Continue Operations

It was just announced by the Governor and the MN Zoo that the $6 million needed to continue operations as stated by the Governor recently has been secured through the Governor’s and the Legislature’s COVID RELIEF FUND. The MN Zoo worked closely with Mayor Mary Hamann-Roland, the State Office of Minnesota Management and Budget and our local legislators. Apple Valley Chamber President Ed Kearney worked with both Mayor Mary and City Administrator Tom Lawell in trying to persuade the Governor successfully. We learned from a zoom conference call today with the MN Zoo that this $6 million will shore up about 40% of the lost funds this biennium. They estimate their loss from downed operations at approximately $15 million this biennium. This is a HUGE WIN for the Minnesota Zoo, the children and families of Minnesota and the entire Twin Cities region. Their success also has a global impact as the MN Zoo is so involved with endangered species protection around the world. Apple Valley once donated the land for the zoo and as a State owned asset, everyone wins with them having a bright future, especially our students.